"That they may all be one."
-John 17:21
God is still speaking, United Church of Christ
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Council Meeting Minutes

Collbran Congregational Church, UCC
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2020

Persons Present:  Pastor Anne Djokic, Sue Bellotti, Jeannie Reeves, Jean Kees, Cyndi Leinberger, Cindy Price, Kammy McElwain, and Monica Klingler

Cindy called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm.  Pastor read a devotional from “Woman of God” about Deborah, the prophetess.  Joy isn’t a result of what we accomplish, it grows from remembering whose we are… the Lord’s precious ones.  Anne prayed for a good meeting and thanks for Kammy being here with us.
Kammy presented her work and the items that she makes and sells.  She passed out a sample of items that we could sell/purchase for the church as a fundraiser.  She is very generous with her profit margin.  We will consider this for the future and discuss it further.
There were two updates of loved ones:  Dianna Leinberger had surgery on December 23rd and is recovering well.  Josh Butler, who is Christi Laird’s son, received a kidnery.  It is functioning well.

Clerk’s Report:  The minutes from the January 13, 2020 Council meeting were reviewed.  A few formatting corrections were noted.  Cyndi moved to accept the minutes as corrected.  Jean seconded.  The motion passed and carried.   Meeting minutes from the January 26, 2020 Annual Meeting were reviewed for necessary corrections for the annual meeting in January 2021.  Several corrections were noted and will be made for the upcoming year. 
In regard to happenings in our church and community, Heather Power (Lloyd Power’s granddaughter) was baptized on 2/9/2020, by Pastor Anne.  Her brother, Davis, presented her with a Bible.  All her family put their hands on her. It was a moving experience and we know that Lloyd was with her in spirit.
No deaths or births were noted in the past month.  Currently we have 32 active members and 29 active non-members.

Pastor’s Report: Anne gave her report.  She is always so kind and thoughtful!  She gave chocolates for Valentine’s Day to everyone!  She reviewed her sermons from the past month.  She said she appreciates the feedback she’s been getting on her sermons.  Pastor Anne attended Zina Smiley’s funeral service on January 3rd.  She also received a request from the family of Rose Branson.  They asked to have her memorial service, graveside service, and refreshments at the church on May 23rd, at 2 pm.  She was so happy that Heather Power wanted to be baptized just like her Papa (Lloyd Power).  47 people attended church for that special occasion.  Anne also noted upcoming events- Ash Wednesday observance and reception of new members on March 8th!  Pastor made 65 visits and calls in January.  She again requested Sunday, May 17th off to go visit Elliot.  Pastor also noted that Zyra (Jack Hamm’s granddaughter who has been attending church) would like to be baptized in the Colorado River when it gets warmer.  That will be fun!

Moderator’s Report:  Cindy asked if we would approve having the Clerk send all the approved minutes to Kammy McElwain to post on our web page.  This would be started for this meeting (February 2020). This was agreed upon.

Sue suggested and moved that we donate our March Noisy Offering to the Cox/Rienks family, in support of the family’s expenses for Scott Rienks’ surgery and care and all the travel, motels, etc. the family does to support him.  Cyndi seconded this suggestion.  The motion passed and carried.

Cindy said that she will help the Stewards ask Faye Gallegos or Gary Bryant if they would be willing to fill the pulpit when Pastor Anne and Sveto are away on May 17, 2020.  Beth Rakestrom may be another candidate to fill the pulpit.  She is from 1st Congregational Church in Grand Junction.

Treasurer’s Report: Sue reviewed her Treasurer’s report.  She noted that we are in the black!  $48.42 was received for the January Noisy Offering that will go to Habitat for Humanity.  We’ve received $688 in income from the use of the gym.  That is very nice!  Sue ordered the Lenten devotionals.  She also noted that a gift card was sent to Joann Mack for the love of and in memory of Pastor Gene Mack.

Stewardship Report:  Cyndi Leinberger gave this report.  She plans to get the 2020 Stewardship letter out in March.

Stewards Report:  Jeannie gave the Stewards Report.  She noted that each week, the Stewards ring the joyful bell, greet visitors and hand out bulletins, light and extinguish the candles and help with communion as it occurs.
On January 5, 30 people attended.  The Noisy Offering was collected to give to the Habitat for Humanity.  The children’s sermon was called “It’s a New Year!  Be a child of God”.  It was Communion Sunday.
On January 12, 21 people attended. The children’s sermon was about Baptism.  No children came so Pastor told the adult “kids”.  J
January 19, 27 people attended.  The Children’s message was “What does a New Year mean for you?” 
January 26, 25 people attended.    The children’s message was about being “Part of the Family of God”.
Jeannie thanked Pastor for all her messages.

Trustee’s Report: Sue, Cindy, Julia, and Nancy plan to meet soon to review needs.  The fire extinguishers were checked on January 22.   A $2600 bill was received from Ben Franklin.  They still need to get the boiler up and running.  The Trustees will follow up with that.  They plan to rekey the locks in the building.  They want to have a review of the building for fire safety.  They may ask the fire extinguisher guy do the safety review.  Julia spoke with Becky Schowaler about cleaning the downstairs.  She agreed to do so.  Her pay will be adjusted to include this additional work.  Sue has laminated signs that will be put up downstairs, regarding use of the stove and closing doors.

Education Report:  Sue said that she has new materials available for Sunday School but hasn’t had kids for a while.

Music Report:  Sue and Anne will coordinate on music for Easter. 

Women’s Fellowship: Sue gave the Fellowship report.  They will not be meeting this week but later in February. 
Julia has put all the Food Bank supplies from her house at the church.  Becky Schowalter and Nancy Karlson are taking care of the Food Bank.  There are some Marigold Market coupons available for use.  Julia will purchase the Maundy Thursday dinner supplies.  In regard to the VA sock drive, it will be combined with the September Noisy Offering.  The Fellowship plans to review all programs and projects to see what they can take on, with fewer people.

Bev and Mike Loftis have been attending church regularly and we are very thankful for their presence.  Senior Tea will be May 5th.

Old Business: 
No further business except that everyone thanked Sue for her generosity in providing a soup and sandwich dinner for everyone and Anne, for bringing cheesecake to share!!

The next meeting will be on March 9, 2020 at 6:00 pm.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.  


Respectfully submitted by  Monica Klingler, Clerk