"That they may all be one."
-John 17:21
God is still speaking, United Church of Christ
Welcome to Collbran Congregational Church - go to home page

Mother's Day 2019

About Collbran Congregational Church

We are an historic church, founded May 11, 1901.  The original sanctuary was dedicated on May 17, 1903.  During the 1920's, a community house was added which included meeting rooms, a library, gymnasium, and dining room.

Community service and outreach have always been a vital part of our mission in the Plateau Valley.  We believe that our church is more than a building - it is a community that serves God by serving our sisters and brothers.

Welcome to Collbran Congregational United Church of Christ

See current activities at the Collbran Congregational Church on the Events page.

Welcome to Collbran Congregational United Church of Christ

Collbran Congregational Church is a member of The United Church of Christ, located in the Rocky Mountain Conference.

God is Light; in Him there is no darkness... 1 John 1:5 - visit Collbran Congregational Church in Collbran Colorado

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

What Sacraments do you celebrate?

Baptism, Communion
Not resctricted to UCC church members; open to any individual affirming he/she is a Christian.

Who can use the church?

Whether or not you are a member of the church or a member of the local community, the services and facilities are open to all. 
Church related activities will have priority in scheduling over non-church events in the case of scheduling on the same day.
Reservations required for events; some events scheduled may be by invitation only.  
Schedule event

Welcome to Collbran Congregational United Church of Christ

What facilities are available?

  • Chapel ~ Sanctuary
    with overflow seating and A/V
  • Reception Areas
  • Conference & Meeting Rooms
  • Fully-furnished Kitchen & Dining Room
  • Park