About Collbran Congregational Church
We are an historic church, founded May 11, 1901. The original sanctuary was dedicated on May 17, 1903. During the 1920's, a community house was added which included meeting rooms, a library, gymnasium, and dining room.
Community service and outreach have always been a vital part of our mission in the Plateau Valley. We believe that our church is more than a building - it is a community that serves God by serving our sisters and brothers.
See current activities at the Collbran Congregational Church on the Events page.
Collbran Congregational Church is a member of The United Church of Christ, located in the Rocky Mountain Conference.
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
What Sacraments do you celebrate?
Not resctricted to UCC church members; open to any individual affirming he/she is a Christian.
Who can use the church?
Whether or not you are a member of the church or a member of the local community, the services and facilities are open to all.
Church related activities will have priority in scheduling over non-church events in the case of scheduling on the same day.
Reservations required for events; some events scheduled may be by invitation only.
Schedule event
What facilities are available?
- Chapel ~ Sanctuary
with overflow seating and A/V - Reception Areas
- Conference & Meeting Rooms
- Fully-furnished Kitchen & Dining Room
- Park